Serving the Saint Louis area since 1980
The Speaker and Stereo Store operates by appointment. I demonstrate in a relaxed home setting. My brands are specifically selected for their high performance-to-price ratio, offering the best values in audio.
Some manufacturers ask me to sell their brand only in the St. Louis Missouri metro area, while other brands may be shipped to other places so long as the customer has no local dealer. Contact me for information.
Home Installation
Drawing on 30 years of sales and installation experience I offer consulting, construction, and installation services for needs ranging from setup of two channel systems to construction of home theater / media rooms.
Other Brands
I am able to fill requests for many brands not listed here. If you have your heart set on a product from a brand not listed here feel free to check with me on its availablity. Examples of brands available to me are Acoustic Zen, Furman, NAD, and Atlantic Technology.
Wylie Williams
email me
Blog Posts:
- Blog Home
New GoldenEar T66 coming to Saint Louis The Speaker and Stereo Store will soon be demonstrating the new Triton T66. I am eager to have my clients have a chanced compare this to my the GoldenEar REFERENCE
- GoldenEar Technology News
The Bad news GoldenEar Technology will increase all its prices an average of 10% September 30. Reviewers have commented since the original Triton Two that GoldenEar speakers outperformed others that cost far more money. Part of this is due to … Continue reading
- The no-demo speaker demo
For a customer demonstration I moved my GoldenEar REFERENCE out of my demo room and hooked up Triton Sevens . The traditional hi-fi store demo is for the salesman to play selected tracks to show the abilities of the speaker, describing each quality being demonstrated. This time … Continue reading
- Sandy Gross confounds me
In my last blog/newsletter I was very bah-humbug about the proliferation of surround sound channels and processes. The next day I got an announcement from Sandy Gross of GoldenEar Technology raving about a new “Dolby Surround” surround format that is part of Dolby … Continue reading
- Get off the surround sound treadmill
An audiophile friend complained to me that the value of surround processors and receivers dropped hugely after a year, sometimes sooner, because of the fast pace of replacement models. This is both true and total BS. It’s true for the resale price — depreciation is amazing. But … Continue reading
Our Brands:
- Analysis
Interconnect & speaker cables
- Anthony Gallo Acoustics
Superb loudspeakers
- Bel Canto Design
Digital to Analog Converters, DAC-preamps, amplifiers
- Cascade
Acoustic treatment products
- Definitive Technology
Loudspeakers of all types products
- Denon
Receivers, DVD players , etc.
- DSPeaker
Digital room correction & equalization
- Dynavector
Phonograph cartridges
- Grado
Phono cartridges & headphones
- GoldenEar
Loudspeakers for two-channel & home theater
- Marantz
Full line of Audio Video components
- Monitor
Their Bronze & Silver series speakers are the finest values
- Musical Design
Amplifiers, preamplifiers, component modifications
- Music
Hall Audio
- Music
turntables & electronics
- Epos Loudspeakers
- Creek
Audio Amps
preamps, integrated amps, & CD players
- Goldring
phono cartridges
- Music
- Ortofon
Phonograph cartridges
- Pangea
AC power cables
- Phase
Excellent moderately priced speakers
- Tara
Speaker & interconnect cables
- Vincent
Highly reviewed tube, hybrid, & solid state.electronics
- Wireworld
Interconnect & speaker cables