Category Archives: Audio racks and stands
Me versus stores
When you walk into an audio store demo room you can see all their speakers lined up. With me it’s completely different. When you walk in you see only one pair of speakers in my demo/living room. Here’s a problem — I find that even people who visit … Continue reading
Posted in Accessories, acoustic treatments, Amplifier, Analysis Plus, Audio racks and stands, bel canto design, Bookshelf Speakers, Cables, center channel speaker, Components, DAC, Equalizer, Gallo speakers, GoldenEar Technology, Headphones, Hybrid amplifier, Hybrid integrated amplifier, Integrated amplifier, Music Hall 11.1, Network receiver, Phono cartridges, Power cables, Preamplifier, Record cleaning machine, Room acoustics, Speakers, Standmount speakers, Subwoofers, Tower speakers, Turntable Mat, Turntables, Turntables, USB converter, Vacuum tubes, Vincent Audio, WireWorld cables
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I have finally chosen my new audio racks
I built my last few audio racks, and they were OK but not classifiable as furniture. I can’t count the hours I spent sketching and thinking about of ways to build new ones that would be both useful and good … Continue reading