Category Archives: WireWorld cables
Me versus stores
When you walk into an audio store demo room you can see all their speakers lined up. With me it’s completely different. When you walk in you see only one pair of speakers in my demo/living room. Here’s a problem — I find that even people who visit … Continue reading
I’m a break-in believer
I am a believer in break-in of audio components. I realize that some disagree, and I am open-minded enough to accept their right to be wrong. Once I hooked up a system with a long run of cheap speaker wire and … Continue reading
New Gallo, high-end USB cables, Triton One
email questions and answers “Hi Wylie, I was wondering if there is any information out yet on the new Gallo Reference 3.5 replacement speakers?” My reply: Interestingly I asked that question of the Gallo national sales manager last week. Anthony Gallo … Continue reading
Hurrah for WireWorld and GoldenEar Tchnology
Danish audiophile magazine Nomono reviews WireWorld’s Aurora power cable. Here’s the conclusion: Our listening comparisons showed that especially the precision in the left/right sound stage was significantly better defined with the Wireworld cable than with other existing power cables. When we switched … Continue reading
When audio reviewing was more technical
As an older audiophile I remember when components were tested and the results printed in reviews. For example, amplifiers were given square wave tests at different frequencies and the photos of the scope results showed which ones had risen times … Continue reading