Category Archives: bel canto design
GoldenEar Technology News
The Bad news GoldenEar Technology will increase all its prices an average of 10% September 30. Reviewers have commented since the original Triton Two that GoldenEar speakers outperformed others that cost far more money. Part of this is due to … Continue reading
Me versus stores
When you walk into an audio store demo room you can see all their speakers lined up. With me it’s completely different. When you walk in you see only one pair of speakers in my demo/living room. Here’s a problem — I find that even people who visit … Continue reading
I’m a break-in believer
I am a believer in break-in of audio components. I realize that some disagree, and I am open-minded enough to accept their right to be wrong. Once I hooked up a system with a long run of cheap speaker wire and … Continue reading
New from Ortofon, Lehmann, and Music Hall
Ortofon cartridges and Lehmann Audio phono preamps – Excellence made in Europe I won’t attempt to list and describe the full lineup of Ortofon cartridges, as I just counted 37 models on my list. I have had much success … Continue reading
Vincent Audio, ASC, GoldenEar
Just a slice of life from my stereo store in my home in St. Louis MO. I’m no Music for Pleasure or Sound Room but I do a nice job for my clients. Buyer report on Vincent integrated amp I … Continue reading
Reviews, reviewers, snark.
Summary of the Stereophile – July 2015 issue Michael Fremer reviewed “The best tonearm in the World” 5 pages. He loved it. $28,000. (Should I say more? I think that if you can seriously consider a $28,000 tonearm can afford … Continue reading
Quest for perfection (or something like)
“… but the highs are missing a little bit of sparkle.” That is an actual quote from an owner’s evaluation of Tung Sol 6550 tubes posted on Upscale Audio’s website. But not to worry, as the writer continues “However the … Continue reading
The GoldenEar Technology Triton Ones are here!
Compared to to other GoldenEar dealers I am having a very late start with the Triton Ones. After months of delays they arrived two days before the start of a ten day family vacation. That was good in one way … Continue reading
Vinyl – the original High Definition format
In several recent conversations with fellow audiophiles it has come up that we have a common desire to relive the glory of great past audio experiences. As I thought back to what these experiences had in common it occurred to … Continue reading
First Listen GoldenEar Technology Triton Seven
My demo GoldenEar Technology Triton Sevens arrived two weeks ago, two days before we left for a ten day trip. Since I had been told that the Sevens need 100 to 150 hours break in, their arrival before the trip was a stroke … Continue reading