Tag Archives: GoldenEar
Quest for perfection (or something like)
“… but the highs are missing a little bit of sparkle.” That is an actual quote from an owner’s evaluation of Tung Sol 6550 tubes posted on Upscale Audio’s website. But not to worry, as the writer continues “However the … Continue reading
The GoldenEar Technology Triton Ones are here!
Compared to to other GoldenEar dealers I am having a very late start with the Triton Ones. After months of delays they arrived two days before the start of a ten day family vacation. That was good in one way … Continue reading
Anxiously awaiting the GoldenEar Triton One
CES comes but once a year, and the publicity it generates for new audio products is immense. Manufacturers are very eager to use it to introduce new products, even if they are not ready to ship. That’s why GoldenEar Technology … Continue reading
Oh frabjous day…
I received my absolute sound 2014 high-end audio buyer’s guide today. Sure it was mostly stuff priced like new cars, but as always I was pleased to see so many reasonably priced components from my brands on the list. GoldenEar … Continue reading
New GoldenEar Technology SuperCenters are here!
Yes, they are here, in stock and on demo for interested parties. The photos don’t show it, but their 11 ” depth specification is real; way bigger than the 4″ depth of the SuperSat center speakers, and it doesn’t take … Continue reading
New Goldenear Technology center speakers coming
I don’t usually write about new products that are not yet available, but when the maker announces them at trade shows the word gets out on the internet and customers start emailing me with questions. That happened to me this … Continue reading
More opinion of GoldenEar Technology Triton Seven
I’ve just received feedback on the Triton Seven. A friend (and customer) had been waiting to hear them so he came over for a listen. On hearing them he was very positive in his praise, and said that he will … Continue reading
DSPeaker Anti-mode 2.0 Dual Core – Part 1
(Which hereinafter will be called the Dual Core.) This is Day One of my experience with the Dual Core, wherein I discover its bass room correction, ignoring its other features. As a new dealer for the Dual Mode this is my first … Continue reading