Tag Archives: Hybrid amplifier
Vincent Audio, ASC, GoldenEar
Just a slice of life from my stereo store in my home in St. Louis MO. I’m no Music for Pleasure or Sound Room but I do a nice job for my clients. Buyer report on Vincent integrated amp I … Continue reading
Quest for perfection (or something like)
“… but the highs are missing a little bit of sparkle.” That is an actual quote from an owner’s evaluation of Tung Sol 6550 tubes posted on Upscale Audio’s website. But not to worry, as the writer continues “However the … Continue reading
The GoldenEar Technology Triton Ones are here!
Compared to to other GoldenEar dealers I am having a very late start with the Triton Ones. After months of delays they arrived two days before the start of a ten day family vacation. That was good in one way … Continue reading
First Listen GoldenEar Technology Triton Seven
My demo GoldenEar Technology Triton Sevens arrived two weeks ago, two days before we left for a ten day trip. Since I had been told that the Sevens need 100 to 150 hours break in, their arrival before the trip was a stroke … Continue reading
The Sound of Vincent Audio amplifiers
The recent buyer of a Vincent Audio SP331MK has continued to email me with updates. His latest is a good explanation of the Vincent sound and I believe it characterizes well the sound of the SP331, SP331MK, and the SV237. … Continue reading
Vincent Audio replaces SV-236MKII Integrated amplifier
It came as real surprise that the highly reviewed SV-236MKII integrated amplifier has been discontinued. I have never carried this one despite the many excellent reviews and its selection a Editor’s Choice by The Absolute Sound. Recently however a customer … Continue reading