Tag Archives: St. Louis stereo
2015 Stereophile recommended components
I like Stereophile‘s idea of ranking components with grades. The latest ratings divide speakers into categories according to how much bass they produce and how deep it goes. This makes a lot of sense, but confuses me a bit. . The ten Class … Continue reading
Hurrah for WireWorld and GoldenEar Tchnology
Danish audiophile magazine Nomono reviews WireWorld’s Aurora power cable. Here’s the conclusion: Our listening comparisons showed that especially the precision in the left/right sound stage was significantly better defined with the Wireworld cable than with other existing power cables. When we switched … Continue reading
Vincent Audio, ASC, GoldenEar
Just a slice of life from my stereo store in my home in St. Louis MO. I’m no Music for Pleasure or Sound Room but I do a nice job for my clients. Buyer report on Vincent integrated amp I … Continue reading
It amazes me
How great an incredible variety of audio gear exists across the world. I spend/waste a lot of time on the internet looking at online review magazines, and to me the number of international companies making high-end components is staggering. Clearly there … Continue reading
Oh frabjous day…
I received my absolute sound 2014 high-end audio buyer’s guide today. Sure it was mostly stuff priced like new cars, but as always I was pleased to see so many reasonably priced components from my brands on the list. GoldenEar … Continue reading